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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Streptoccus, Nutrionally Variant Strep ???? Streptoccus Catalase - Oxidase +, Gamella Gamma or alpha hemolysis PYR+ LAP+ ???? Nutrionally Variant Strep, S. pneumoniae Alpha Hemolysis "P" disc + ???? Streptoccus Catalase - Oxidase +, Granulicatella and Abiotrophia Satellite colonies that require sulfhydrl for growth ???? Nutrionally Variant Strep, Enterococcus Esculin + Growth in NaCl + Gamma Hemolysis ???? Streptoccus Catalase - Oxidase +, Enterococcus Esculin + Growth in NaCl + Gamma Hemolysis ???? Streptoccus Catalase - Oxidase +, Pediococcus Resistant to vancomycin Associated with patients with underlying GI abnormatlities or sugery. PYR- LAP+ ???? Nutrionally Variant Strep, Streptoccus Catalase - Oxidase + ???? Group A S. pyogenes Beta Hemolysis "A" Disc +, Leuconostoc Resistant to vancomycin LAP- PYR- ???? Nutrionally Variant Strep, Group C and G Pharyngitis w/o sequele or skin Beta hemolytic ???? Streptoccus Catalase - Oxidase +, Aerococcus Weak psuedocatalase rx Growth NaCl PYR+ Lap- ???? Nutrionally Variant Strep, S. viridans Alpha Hemolysis "P" disc - ???? Streptoccus Catalase - Oxidase +, Streptoccus Catalase - Oxidase + ???? Group B S. agalactiae Hyrolyzes Sodium Hippurate CAMP Test + (bow tie) Causes infections in newborns Beta Hemolytic, Lactococcus Alpha or non-hemolytic UTI and Endocarditis ???? Nutrionally Variant Strep, Group D Esculin + Growth in NaCl - Gamma Hemolysis ???? Streptoccus Catalase - Oxidase +